How does your typical day look? Does it come close to our fellow Rahul’s? What do you think of how he is spending his 21st year of life?
Tribal Health: Skincare Beyond Cosmetics
This blog uses dermatological issues- often seen as cosmetic- to highlight the challenges of tribal health in India.
Cultural Insights: What Kalahandi Taught Me About Life
What does it mean to build and find community among fewer resources? Rahul discovers important life lessons in Kalahandi.
Initial Exposure To A Health Swaraj
What does tribal healthcare look like in 21st C. India? Read on to explore the emerging hope amidst harsh realities of Kalahandi, Odisha.
Nuakhai: A Festive Evening
In Odisha, Maa Manikeshwari is widely worshipped. One can find the name on everything – hospital, bus, restaurant, even a general store.
We Live In Dilemmas
One brisk evening during my fellowship mid-point meet/training in Delhi , we...
Ganesh Chaturthi In A Tribal Village And The Cultural Shift
On my way to Kerpai village last time, I experienced something different. The...
Complexity Of Education And My Belief In Solution
I always believed education to be a basic right for all. I thought that it...
There Are No Roads But There Is An Ante Natal Care Camp
Organization: Swasthya Swaraj SocietyPlace: Kalahandi, OdishaType of Terrain:...