Dive into the world’s first conference of panchayats to better understand and develop solutions for climate change.
Water Warriors: Leading Charge Against Drought In Marathwada
Women’s inclusion in water has to be driven. It should be mainstreamed and treated as an objective tool to attain other development goals.
My First Experience As An Assessor
Several youth skilling and development programs mark the face of civil society action in India. Here is a blueprint of the selection of one such offering.
Are We Teaching Gender ‘Untouchability’ In Schools?
Despite being in the same class, boys and girls maintain a distance. What’s leading to this gender untouchability?
Empowering Communities: Impact Of Ventures Working With Participatory Approaches
Exploring the insides of the participatory approach which is appreciated by non profits across the country
Bail Pola: A Gratitude Festival For Bulls
India is known all over the world for its rich collection of different...
My Small Win With Chai Shots
At MANAVLOK, the organization I am a part of as an India Fellow, the entire...
Trupti Kitchen : A Community Kitchen For Senior Citizens
MArathwada NAVnirman LOKayat 'MANAVLOK', the organization I am part of, is...
My Definition Of Empowerment : The Inspiring Story Of Meenakshi Tai
A couple of months back, we had such an online session* on Empowerment by...