It was 11:30 PM when I received a call from Reema’s* mother-in-law. They...
Exploring Relationship With Religion
I am not a religious person. However, by virtue of growing up in a religious...
Why 50 kgs On A Weighing Scale Comes As A Surprise To Me
Malnutrition as a term never occurred in my conversations before I started...
A Closer Look Of Majholi, Panna : My First Rural Immersion
Rural immersions make for an important part of the fellowship journey. I...
Batik From The Lanes Of Ujjain [A Photo Story]
The word 'Batik' which translates to wax writing is a form of wax resist...
The Rituals Of (Dis)possession
Goddess Kishori's temple in Khamri, where the ritual of bandhej takes place...
Mandav Utsav 2021 : What People Had To Say
This article is a critical appraisal of what I saw and heard when I visited Mandav for their yearly festival. All views shared are my observations from the conversations I had with the locals of Mandav,
Kitchen Garden Initiative By Koshika
Back in August 2021, I was reading The Obesity Code. The author, Dr. Jason...
Digital Mobility In Panna, Madhya Pradesh
Sajan Bai (on the left) glares as I (on the right) download WhatsApp on her...