The understanding of how child marriage in different regions of India, morphed and mixed into the local micro-culture needs to be there.
Journey To The Enchanting Beauty of Kutch – Chhavda Rakhal
Join us on an adventurous journey of Chhavda Rakhal, a hidden forest retreat in Kutch and see its breathtaking beauty.
Gandhi Ka Charkha
Gandhi’s relationship with charkha (spinning wheel) was not just symbolic, It was deeply rooted in his idea of self-reliance
Exception-2 Of Section 375 (IPC)
A case based argument of how laws on domestic violence in India contradict with each other and where we stand on them currently.
The Kind Of Youth You Will Meet In My Workshop
The inspiring youth of Bhuj. Discover their resilience, collaboration, and unique stories of empowerment, education, and sustainability.
The Double-Edged Sword: Prosopis Juliflora And Banni Grasslands
Prosopis Juliflora, has become a symbol of both economic opportunity and environmental challenge. Find out why
Table For … Many, Please!
What does settling in a new place take? Turns out, a lot of tangible and non tangible support from peers.
The Pre Before The Primary
State of the Primary Healthcare Centres (PHCs) are far from what the National Health Mission envisioned. Here is a case of one from Kutch.
From Anjar To Lakhpat: Pastoralists’ Journey Of Hope
Rabaris of Anjar leave their homeland for Lakhpat. How are they managing their lives? Read about these pastoralists struggle for livelihood.