The author explores the meanings of networks and explores their more-than-human meanings through settlement infrastructures of a community.
Solid Waste Management: Insights From Bangalore And National Extrapolation
This is a blog about solid waste management in urban Bengaluru in the Saahas Zero Waste and Hasiru Dala organisations.
Stories From The Hamlet Of Hara
The author talks about right to communicate amidst the setting of a small hamlet in the western ghats in Karnataka
In A Place Of “Co-“
Places shape much of who we are. ‘Place’ is more than just the physical space. Essentially, a place is the human experience of an environment
The Impacts Of Mainstream Sustainable Solutions
In this article, author explores what happens when local communities are not heard in massive development projects.
A Matter Of Semantics
A trip from Delhi to Tumkur in Karnataka, got the author in an interaction with a media activist who explains what it means to accept that the community knows better
An Unfamiliar Side Of Deccan And Its Wool Chain
Since the day I started working with the Centre for Pastoralism (CFP), I have...
How They Push And Pull To Make The Ends Meet
I once had the opportunity to travel in the general bogie of a push-pull train...