This is the story of Lamani’s Gandhi. A man who gave his life to the cause of Baiga people and was much loved for his work in their life.
गुमनाम बिरहोर समुदाय
हम किताबों में, कहानियों में, कुछ जगह घूम कर या लोगों से सुन कर आदिवासी समाज...
Rise Of Fever Clinics During Monsoon
Monsoons in India bring the greenery and calmness back into town. I love to...
जैविक खेती और कुछ पुरानी पद्दति का विश्लेषण
जब हम अपने आस पास खेतों में लहलहाती फसलों को देखते हैं तो लगता है कि हमारा देश...
Her: The Story Of A Beautiful Creation
The role of women in my life has been invaluable and transformative, shaping...
Sickle Cell Anemia And A Day In The Life Of A Counsellor
On 8th August 2023, I accompanied Laxmi Patkar, a counsellor at Jan Swasthya...
जानकी अम्मा – एक विश्वास और उम्मीद
जन स्वास्थ्य सहयोग (JSS) छत्तीसगढ़ के बिलासपुर जिले में एक छोटे से गाँव गनियारी...
A Tale of Two Analogous Events: Sickle Cell Anemia
As a fellow, the excitement of a field visit is unparalleled, especially...