80% of the diseases can be prevented or cured at the primary level only. And...
Is It Possible To Eliminate Tuberculosis By 2025?
दीदी, इस बिमारी से कोई बचता नहीं है। हमने तो बहुत करीब से देखा है। मुझे डर है...
A Heart-Wrenching Tale Of A 13-Year Old Mother In Rural India
It was 11:30 PM when I received a call from Reema’s* mother-in-law. They...
Why 50 kgs On A Weighing Scale Comes As A Surprise To Me
Malnutrition as a term never occurred in my conversations before I started...
Possible Consequences Of Women Not Knowing Their Bodies
I was on a patient visit, to understand why some of our TB diagnosed patients...
Leveraging Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in Development Sector
A Public Private Partnership (PPP) is essentially a contractual relationship...
The Rituals Of (Dis)possession
Goddess Kishori's temple in Khamri, where the ritual of bandhej takes place...
Doing “Dirty Work”: The Midwives Of Rural Bihar Come Clean
Cleanliness is also a big facet of the work of midwives. An essential...
Family Planning And Contraceptives In Rural Rajasthan
After having a long discussion on the different types of contraceptive...