As someone who chose to immerse herself into a fellowship program, straight...
Empowering The Hinterlands During A Worldwide Pandemic
As a part of my field visits to various Panchayats around Kutch, I got to...
Who Are The Commons Really For?
Disclaimer: This blog is a translation of a case study written by the Urban...
A Model Sarpanch And Red Bindis
“Where do women and girls want to go and what do they want?” Until the day I...
कागज़ का देस
जिस समय यह लेख लिखा जा रहा है हिन्दुस्तान कोरोना वायरस के केसेस में दुनिया में...
Kanku Ben: A Model Sarpanch
“I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women...
Women And Panchayati Raj Institutions
Empowerment is a process which encourages individuals to take their own...
A Personal Account Of The Day Ladakh Became A Union Territory
Featured Image Source - Amar Ujaala We were sitting in the middle of a session...
Why Did 9-Year-Old Bright Faiz Drop Out Of The Village School?
Faiz Parveen, a 9-year-old studying in primary school at village Daniyalpur in...