Faiz Parveen, a 9-year-old studying in primary school at village Daniyalpur in...
One Scary Night At The Prerna Tribal Girl’s Hostel In Bihar
During my second visit to the Prerna Hostel at Danapur, Patna I got the chance...
When I Finally Grew Comfortable Being Their Teacher
One of the farthest schools from Kandbari in Panchrukhi education block is...
Real Chills Of This Winter In My School At Kotra
It is that time of the year when days are long and the nights are longer. When...
Development At The Cost Of Environment
One Saturday, I was returning from school with Pratap, a colleague who was...
A Lesson I Learnt When Teaching My Students
Being part of an education innovation which aims at changing attitude through...
काशीपुर से ख़त
प्रिय मित्र, कभी रोमांटिसिज्म के बारे में सुना है? कहीं उन्नीस्वीं सदी में इस...
When Urdu Felt Like Home
One of my biggest challenges until now, in the last 6 months of fellowship,...
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Growing up is inevitable. And growth hormone (somatotropin hormone) helps us...