Understand how Identity in Youth Clubs fosters both individual and collective belonging, shaping future leaders in cohesive spaces.
A Journey Into Action: The Principle Of Hiding Hand
When we begin a piece of work, we never anticipate the challenges that will crop up. This gives us a creative confidence when the issues finally show up.
Not The Bihar I Imagined
People of Bihar know survival isn’t about doing it alone—it’s about showing up for each other, sharing what little you have, or just being there in tough times.
Motivation In Rural Leadership Programs
Explore the motivation behind rural leadership programs, where youth volunteers overcome challenges to lead their communities.
Intersecting Journeys: A Tale Of Two Women
What opportunities for women exist in the changing world today? Do they have as much agency to choose as they are often told?
The Power Of Listening In Grassroots Work
In our lives, sometimes, we meet people where a conversation leaves a lasting impression on us. The author recounts one such instance.
Hope In Their Hands: Women Stitching Empowerment
A women led initiative is teaching women stitching to help them become financially independent in rural Bihar.
Self-Portrait: A Reflection Of Our Deepest Memories
The author creates a photo story out of an activity that focused on individuals to self explore and express their deepest desires.
Sparkling Eyes, Silent Dreams
Policies failing to align with reality or not effectively translating on the ground, make it impossible for the most needy to access their rights.