Gaurav explores the conundrum around the age old debate between theory and practice, although are they truly in opposition?
Down to the Last Rupee
Discover the harsh realities of rural poverty in India, from coping with emergencies to navigating high-interest loans
Art By Women, Imitates Women’s Life
During my first month at Sakhi Sangini, I had diverse community experiences. My favourite was a film screening for our SHG women
A Woman’s Price in Society
The pink tax, or gender-specific pricing on women’s goods, contributes to the disproportionate financial burden that women face.
Bihar, Janeu, Raskadam And The Fall
How did such a glorious state, that Bihar was 800 years ago as a learning hub of the world, fall from grace?
Kites Of Hope: Weaving Livelihoods In Bastis Of Ahmedabad
Exploring the lore behind kites and kite-makers of Ahmedabad and their vital role in sustaining livelihoods
Restoring Kutch’s Grasslands From ‘Mad Trees’
Restoring the grasslands of Kutch by converting the prosopis or the mad trees into Biochar using pyrolisis, reducing carbon emission