Nikhil (left) in an interaction with community members in his office-cum-home...
Pardeh Ke Piche Kya Hai?
An insight into the traditions of Thoor women folklore.
People And Places, People And Spaces
City girl meets village chacha, understands life is more than what meets the eye…
एक और क़दम
Image Courtesy : Anand Murali (India Fellow Program Team). Clicked in a...
Himalayan Springs And The Mexican Devil
A colleague and I (left) visiting a local spring. One thing about the...
A Train Of Thoughts
“I am Jeena*, 28 years old, and I work on the farms”. After all the...
Surat And Its Nakas
Sayeed, the author and a fellow, works with Aajeevika Bureau in Surat, destination of migration and is a part of a study on the same.
कम्यूनिटी के साथ पहली रात
मुझे कस्तूरबा गांधी बालिका विद्यालय से जुड़े लगभग 4 महीने हो गए हैं| पहले दिन...
An Unconditional Offer
The heat of the day vanished as evening kicked in. The air became cooler. The...