Being part of an education innovation which aims at changing attitude through...
Two Women Who Broke The Glass Ceiling In Dalsighsarai, Bihar
My stint in Dalsinghsarai, Bihar has made me stumble upon numerous striking...
काशीपुर से ख़त
प्रिय मित्र, कभी रोमांटिसिज्म के बारे में सुना है? कहीं उन्नीस्वीं सदी में इस...
अवसर + प्रशिक्षण = तरक्की
अभी कुछ समय पहले ही मैंने एक पुस्तक पढ़ना प्रारंभ किया है, उस पुस्तक के पहले...
In Search Of Hidma
Image clicked by Sandesh (blog author) in one of his field outings in Sukma,...
When Urdu Felt Like Home
One of my biggest challenges until now, in the last 6 months of fellowship,...
Shouldn’t Access To Finance Be A Basic Human Right?
It’s a December morning. Vardi bai* started her day earlier than usual. 30...
When A Yatra Comes To Mhaswad Town
Every year, in December, Mhaswad becomes a hub of excitement. Several thousand...
When Ownership Came From The Community
“No one loses anyone, because no one owns anyone. That is the true experience...