When time was closing in for Durov, after a long arduous journey, on the...
Pulp Fiction Meets India Fellow
The legendary film-maker Jean-Luc Godard had famously said, “A story should...
Memoirs of Kalahandi: The Cultural Preservationist
The concept of culture needs no introduction in a country like India. I...
Achieving Eco Friendliness in a Village of Odisha – A Comic
If you want to appreciate this comic, or have questions about my...
About This Summer in Jalna
The Indian summer is great. It is that time of the year when we feel a...
A Postcard Of Hope For Better Future
As I sat down to have a cup of tea this morning, I heard my home calling me....
10 Types Of People I Met In My NGO
I spent half of my fellowship year in the back office, which is in a...
The Butterfly Effect
A butterfly flutters its wings on one side of the world and causes a hurricane...
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