The floor, the once-blue drums, tables and chairs; are all covered in a...
I Asked Authority Figures What Do They Think About Authority
The following conversations are my attempt to explore the less spoken-about,...
सुकमा की विलुप्त होती मौखिक भाषाएं
परिचय सुकमा छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य का एक ज़िला है।सुकमा ज़िला के पूर्व में उड़ीसा तथा...
Insurance And Inclusivity : How Far Have We Reached?
Five years ago, an insurance agent came to my house to convince me to get life...
What’s Happening With One Nation One Ration Card Scheme
The famed One Nation One Ration, implemented since 2019, has seen little success on ground. A glimpse of our field experiences in Kerala
Learning From Wipro Partners’ Meet 2022
Education system of India - has it ever not been a hot topic? I can go as far...
Financial Literacy – Necessity Of The Hour
Trigger Warning: Suicide, Death, Distress Ramesh Lal*, his wife and their four...
A Library That Nurtures Choice And Freedom
I bleakly recall the image of me as a child looking with awe at the...
Love Story: Escape – Part 1/2
“ It was in the summers, about 30 years from today. I was pretty like those girls in TV serials. We didn’t have much, but Abba and Ammi spared enough for all my brothers and sisters, every month. I remember going with Abba to the vegetable market. Fond memories,...
Impact Of The Lockdown On Children
“What has been the impact of the lockdown on children?” - the question popped up in the chat-box of an online webinar I was listlessly sitting through a few months ago, a time when the world was only beginning to grow accustomed to Zoom classrooms, office meetings and...
The Paradox Of Poverty
When I think of poverty and development, I think of them to be relative rather than absolute, as they are defined partially by the existing living standards. For example, at a place where the rich owns 10 acres of land, those who do not own any land, could be called...
The Paradox Of Technology-Based Education In India
India is a land of paradoxes where students of IITs learn Artificial Intelligence whereas children in tribal areas lack access to basic elementary education. When the upper-middle-class children attend webinars, the children of below poverty line families engage in...
Healthcare Vocabulary: On Developing Regional Languages
In 2018, I attended the UNDP National Youth Parliament as a media corespondent. Young delegates from every state in the country came to participate…which brought to fore a predictable problem. Floor-time was largely spent on voicing grievances about the lack of...
महामारी के बीच दुनिया, राजनीति और आंदोलन
मई के महीने में अमेरिका में गोरे लोगों ने घरों में कैद होने को अपनी आज़ादी का उल्लंघन माना और सड़कों पर उतर आए| वो चाहते थे कि दुकानें खोल दी जाएं और वो काम पर वापस जाएं| वो सरकार से कोई सहायता नहीं लेना चाहते थे| पहले-पहल तो इस बेवकूफ़ी भरी मांग पर मुझे हंसी और...
The Holocaust You Haven’t Heard Of
I studied the UK board at a private school & had internet access to English media world-over. As a consequence, I’ve been assured (by virtue of repetition) that the Jewish Holocaust was humanity’s most memorable dark hour. Schindler’s List, Inglorious Bastards,...
Handicrafts: The Colored Jewels Of Deserted Kutch
A handy book giving a glimpse into the various crafts of Kutch, along with the process of creating such products.
The Curious Case Of The Male Mommy
March 8th, 2020 - This International Women's Day, Aditya Tiwari was awarded 'World’s Best Mommy'. Tiwari has adopted Avnish, a 22 month-old child with Down Syndrome in 2016. An Incredible Parent, Disability Activist There is no doubt of Tiwari's love for his son. He...
स्कूल : एक खोज
राम को चौदह बरस का वन-वास मिला था| जिन्हें हिन्दू धर्म में बड़ा किया गया था, वे टीवी पर रामानन्द सागर के रामायण में राम को जाते हुए देखकर रोये भी थे| राम के कई नाम रहे और हर नाम के साथ वे घूमते रहे| राम कबीर के रहे और नानक के, तुलसी के भी राम थे और रहीम के भी| राम...
Caste, Reservations And Our Privilege
Caste comes out in many ways, invisible to some, on the face for others Caste-ism like a few other topics that I’ve written on, fascism and Kashmir, is somewhat controversial, is a vast and deep subject and this blog wouldn't be able to cover many of the nuances of...
The Pathway To Contextual Learning In Tribal Chattisgarh
“Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one”Malcolm Forbes Education develops curiosity and exposes us to the vicinity of immense knowledge. Knowledge grows and changes as one feeds on it. The constant pursuit to capture, codify and communicate...
Women And Panchayati Raj Institutions
Empowerment is a process which encourages individuals to take their own decisions. It also includes financial as well as social freedom to bring change in their communities. With respect to women withstanding their rights and entitlements as citizens of our country,...
Pre-Primary And Primary Education – The Crisis And The Solutions
With this post, I'm trying to explore the education system in India, the way it has changed over the years and various government policies as well as schemes implemented for the improvement of this system. A lot of non-profit organisations have played a major role. I...