
In their immersive journey of experiencing the grassroots, fellows share the challenges and discoveries made, and how it connects to a larger perspective to build insights

बोली, भाषा और राजनीति

बोली, भाषा और राजनीति

आलेख बोली और भाषा की पहचान और उससे जुड़े सवालों पर चर्चा करता है। यह विलुप्त होती भाषा के साथ समाज के विलुप्त होने की चिंता व्यक्त करता है।

Addressing Mental Health Challenges for Women in India

Addressing Mental Health Challenges for Women in India

Introduction Mental health is as vital as physical health and should be approached with the same openness and comfort. It plays a crucial role in our overall well-being, influencing our thoughts, emotions, choices, and actions. Unfortunately, in India, discussions...

Rehan And Patwan – A System of Mortgaging Agricultural Land

Rehan And Patwan – A System of Mortgaging Agricultural Land

In rural India, where a significant portion of agricultural land is cultivated by tenant farmers, the practice of renting farmland is illegal. As a result, tenant farmers face limitations in accessing government assistance and farming markets. However, an informal...

Garment Construction: An Overview

Garment Construction: An Overview

Fun Fact: The piece of apparel you are currently wearing was potentially put together using a formula. Have you ever wondered about how different pieces of fabric of different sizes come together to be built into a single piece of garment without any flaws?...

Reflections From The Work On Tuberculosis

Reflections From The Work On Tuberculosis

I have been working for 18 months with Innovators In Health (IIH). The organization has been actively working on the ground for over 12 years now. They work to address public health issues like tuberculosis (TB) and maternal health. To understand IIH's work in detail,...

Visual Arts As A Way To Connect Children To The Library

I have a feeling that my relationship with art has been changing since joining the fellowship. It began with doing a life story drawing at the induction. And ever since that, I have wanted to bring more of its presence into my life. By presence, I mean, through...

A Brief Introduction To Crafts – From Kachchh, Gujarat

A Brief Introduction To Crafts – From Kachchh, Gujarat

The floor, the once-blue drums, tables and chairs; are all covered in a white-ish powder. Anything you touch and you will dust your hands. Machines that you don’t recognize, lie around you. There are big pots made with plaster of paris filled with a grey-looking clay...

I Asked Authority Figures What Do They Think About Authority

I Asked Authority Figures What Do They Think About Authority

The following conversations are my attempt to explore the less spoken-about, low points in the journey of being a leader and a person seen as an authority figure. I’ve not written these conversations verbatim. There are five conversations in all, with no fixed...

सुकमा की विलुप्त होती मौखिक भाषाएं  

सुकमा की विलुप्त होती मौखिक भाषाएं  

परिचय सुकमा छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य का एक ज़िला है।सुकमा ज़िला के पूर्व में उड़ीसा तथा दक्षिण में आंध्रप्रदेश है। सुकमा एक आदिवासी बाहुल्य ज़िला है । यहाँ आदिवासियों की आबादी लगभग 85% है। सुकमा में मुख्यरूप से गोंड, धुरवा, डोरला जनजातियां निवास करती है । यह...

Insurance And Inclusivity : How Far Have We Reached?

Insurance And Inclusivity : How Far Have We Reached?

Five years ago, an insurance agent came to my house to convince me to get life insurance. "I'm pretty healthy, nothing horrible is going to happen to me," I thought to myself. At that time, I did not understand how life insurance works. All I thought was if I need to...

Learning From Wipro Partners’ Meet 2022

Learning From Wipro Partners’ Meet 2022

Education system of India - has it ever not been a hot topic? I can go as far as I can in time and recall the debates and discussions around it. Often, we talk about a topic or a word so much that it starts to lose its true essence and remains a buzzword. I was...

Financial Literacy – Necessity Of The Hour

Financial Literacy – Necessity Of The Hour

Trigger Warning: Suicide, Death, Distress Ramesh Lal*, his wife and their four children were found dead at their home in the Udaipur district on 21st November , 2022. He was the only earning member in this six-person household. He had earlier migrated to work at a...

A Library That Nurtures Choice And Freedom

A Library That Nurtures Choice And Freedom

I bleakly recall the image of me as a child looking with awe at the encyclopaedia and a lot of giant picture books kept high up on the shelf of our school library. We used to have a library period when we would go through the shelves and pick up a book with our own...