
In their immersive journey of experiencing the grassroots, fellows share the challenges and discoveries made, and how it connects to a larger perspective to build insights

Everyday Politics In My Field Area

Everyday Politics In My Field Area

From the first day of college, there is one thing that I clearly remember. Politics is everywhere. It is a process of making decisions. Apart from the government, there are several things that are political in nature including incidents in our daily lives. With this...

Real Chills Of This Winter In My School At Kotra

It is that time of the year when days are long and the nights are longer. When the hands have slipped under the warmth and weight of binded bundles and the atmosphere is quieter than usual. Seasons change, habits change but the children of my school in Mandwa, Kotda...

Cup Se Cup Tak

Cup Se Cup Tak

Does this image bother you? Well, you’re not alone. Over 16 years and 200 frustrating menstrual cycles later, I am finally learning to embrace periods. Two years of dilemma of switching over to menstrual cups or biodegradable pads finally came to an end after I moved...

Financial Dignity: The Right Of Elite

The first time I heard about Financial Inclusion was in one of my banking classes but at that time, those were just two words barely related to the subject. In my earlier life, it had never occurred to me that opening a bank account, withdrawing money from ATM or...

A Hard-To-Forget Conversation With A Woman

A Hard-To-Forget Conversation With A Woman

Two years since, I still can't forget her face. She was wearing a plain Olive Green sari. We were sitting together in a dimly lit medium-sized room built of bricks, in a village near Sant Kabir Nagar (originally Khalilabad), Uttar Pradesh. It was late into the...

A Lesson I Learnt When Teaching My Students

A Lesson I Learnt When Teaching My Students

Being part of an education innovation which aims at changing attitude through change in content delivery. At Aavishkaar I see the social sector expanding to introduce an intellectual attitude as one of the human rights to protest for. I go to classrooms every week to...

Shouldn’t Access To Finance Be A Basic Human Right?

It’s a December morning. Vardi bai* started her day earlier than usual. 30 years of marriage has changed many things, but mornings still remind her of her mother’s house. The liberty of remaining in the warmth of a blanket for a little longer is no more hers to take....

When Ownership Came From The Community

“No one loses anyone, because no one owns anyone. That is the true experience of freedom: having the most important thing in the world without owning it” ― Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes Being a part of the development sector in different capacities for two years has...

Financial Inclusion As A Human Right

“Every poor person must be allowed a fair chance to improve his/her economic condition. This can be easily done by ensuring his/her right to credit. If the existing financial institutions fail to ensure that right, it is the obligation of the state and the world...

Lessons I Learnt From Organizing A Sale

I have organised events when I was in college and have also worked with a wedding planner on a big fat Indian wedding. I always knew that it requires dealing with a lot of people, working with multiple opinions and preferences, unforeseen troubles and non-stop...

Gun License, Hindu Identity: In Conversation With Locals Of Sitapur

While talking with people over snacks, there is so much that I learn about this place and its surrounding areas. The topic of gun license came up when I was interacting with parents of a girl, whom I teach in a school here at Sitapur district of Uttar Pradesh (UP). It...

The Story Of Informal Credit And Migrant Labor

Informal sector constitutes a major chunk in GDP of India. The sector is often associated with generating non taxable income and is seen as a hub of black money investment but has rarely been looked from the viewpoint of employers, employees and their struggles....

My Story With PERIODS As A Male Staff

Image: Doing sessions and discussions with adolescent girls on Menstrual Health and Hygiene Management I am working in a community radio station - Nityananda Janavani 91.2 FM in Purulia, West Bengal. Our radio station was already making programs on lots of issues...

एक सन्देश मेरे विद्यालय के बच्चों के नाम

‘उम्मीद’ एक ऐसा शब्द है जो मुझे ले चलता है वर्ष 2009 की तरफ, जब मैं 12 वर्ष का था| उन दिनों में मेरी पढ़ाई गोरखपुर के एक सरकारी विद्यालय में हो रही थी| मेरा मन पढ़ाई से ऊब चुका था और ज़िन्दगी में आगे के लिए कोई लक्ष्य भी नहीं सोचा था| उसी समय मेरी माँ ने अपने एक छात्र...