If we truly believe in Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikaas, we cannot afford to cut out those whose saath we are taking.
The Road Less Taken
Our upbringing shapes the path we follow. However, there are some outliers who change the future of their communities.
Pictured: How Migrant Laborers Live In Surat?
Where do the migrant workers from unknown places, live, when they come to a hustling bustling city?
A Deep Dive InTo The Financials Of Migrant Workers
The author works in a Labour Hostel project. The blog has been written after conversations with approximately fifty of them.
रिपब्लिक हॉस्टल की मनोहर कहानियाँ
मैं आजीविका ब्यूरो द्वारा शुरू किया गया शेल्टर स्क्वायर फाउंडेशन में पिछले ४ महीनो से काम कर रहा हूँ। यह सूरत से २० किलोमीटर दूर सायन में स्थित एक हॉस्टल है, रिपब्लिक हॉस्टल, जो श्रमिकों के लिए शुरू किया गया है।