While working with Sakhi Sangini, the women's federation created by Kutch...
Women Embracing Digital Technology: Challenges & Opportunities
I spent approximately six months in Maheshwar, living cashless and relying...
From Fear To Empowerment: Navigating Gender Politics And Insecurity
I had just finished my day with receiving appreciation for the depth achieved...
Allegory Of The Cave: In Social Work
Plato's (an ancient Greek philosopher) Allegory of the cave is a philosophical...
Kalamaitri – A Collective Run Enterprise
In an ideal world, collectives would be catalysts for societal progress,...
Center For Entrepreneurship Development, Gujarat
The Center for Entrepreneurship Development (CED), Gujarat is a government-run...
Reflecting Through Rituals And Relationships
Living and working in Maheshwar feels like building a small world of my own....
Image Of A Working Woman
I am a 22-year-old woman who has very recently entered the world of work. My...
जब किशोरियाँ सवाल पूछती हैं
हमेशा किसी भी कार्य की शुरुआत होती है एक सवाल से! किसी भी विचार में, बात में,...