कौन हैं ये लोग जो घरों में रहना नहीं चाहते और पढ़ाई की उम्र में अनजाने शहरों में काम के लिए चले जाते हैं। जानिए उनके बारे में।
An Adolescent Act
From individual to a group, the beautiful journey of coming together of 10 young adults, performing a play for the first time.
The Hands That Held Me
Of a day which would have been rather gloomy, if not the help from strangers. Author recounts her field day experience.
Changing Perspectives: How I Found Joy In Sustainability
The author takes the reader on a personal journey from eco-anxiety and the saviour complex to finding joy in sustainability.
Video Documentary On Diarrhoea Outbreak
The journey of making this documentary began with a single, haunting question: Why does diarrhoea still kill?
Phulwari: A Safe Haven For Little Ones
Phulwaris are community-based childcare centers that provide care and nourishment to children between six months and five years old
A Community-Led Approach To Maternal Nutrition
The Nigrani Toolkit, a community-based health monitoring system, empowers community to tackle maternal anemia and child malnutrition.
Thought Experiment: Rule Is Real
A poem on friendship and rule
Shishu Ghar : The Rural Crèche Initiative
“It was the toddlers who broke me.” What makes the author say so? Aren’t the toddlers the one in whom we find solace when adults fail us?
The Double-Edged Sword: Prosopis Juliflora And Banni Grasslands
Prosopis Juliflora, has become a symbol of both economic opportunity and environmental challenge. Find out why
“How Will This Sustain When You Leave?”
Even if we give our best to an initiative, when we leave, what does it mean to its continuity? Ponders author on a learning centre’s future.
The Courage To Keep Going: Janaki’s Journey
The author takes readers on a heartfelt journey of Janaki, a woman who faced challenges, domestic abuse and emerged as a symbol of strength.
One Child, Two Schools: How Far Can Parents Go For Their Kids In Bihar?
Dual enrolment has long been a part of Bihar’s educational system. Parents, often enrol their children in both government and private schools.
“Why Are You Still Here?”
In a world measured and connectivity, isn’t it a little perplexing to imagine living in a place where, even to call, you might have to travel 20 kms?
Table For … Many, Please!
What does settling in a new place take? Turns out, a lot of tangible and non tangible support from peers.
My Journey With Self-Help Groups In Madhya Pradesh
What role do women self-help groups generally play in the communities they are part of? Vaishnavi charts a path of possibilities with them.
The Pre Before The Primary
State of the Primary Healthcare Centres (PHCs) are far from what the National Health Mission envisioned. Here is a case of one from Kutch.
Winter Camp: A Game Changer In Villages Of Tribal Communities
From absenteeism to school dropouts, this organisation is battling it all using a simple trick: winter camp!
Local Trains To Mountain Trails
Mumbai gave me speed, but these mountains are teaching me stillness. Mulls Chinmayee who recently started working in the mountains.
Swasthya Sathis: The Unsung Heroes Of Swasthya Swaraj
The state of healthcare in tribal regions of India is abysmal. A group of women knows as Swasthya Sathis are changing this narrative.
The Bot Buzz
In the heart of Patna, a “robot” is quietly transforming the way we connect with young girls, one WhatsApp message at a time.
What Is Development For “Them”?
Away from numbers and social media, there are aspirations of young people battling poverty for their right to education in Bihar.